A showcase of the work of LiTtle WoRm

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gypsy Fair: A Lovely Sunday

Spent Sunday Dec11th at the very first Golden Dawn Gypsy Fair. What a fantastic market day. Plugs selling selling selling. Now time to get on to some more making. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Luck/House Market    Hi all, hosting my first ever market at my shop 33 High Street will be Great and great Christmas shopping opportunity

Saturday, November 19, 2011

David Dallas

Sometimes you get your creative buzz from the least likely places. But I love nights spent listening to David Dallas and making LiTtle Things.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Like losing little buddies

Sold out of my Tiny Dolls on Saturday. And even though my number one fear in life is being sentimental about my own sentimentality, it's sad to see them all gone. When you've put so much time and love into making something. Well, hope those kids are gonna love them like I did. Time to create some NEWSTUFFYAY!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Where the Magic Happens

My Jewellery Bench, with allsorts of sTUFF


Cleaning Castings

Putting it all together
This is the state my working spaces get into when I am up to my earlobes in ideas. I've been thinking a lot about creativity lately and what defines it. Is art a craft? Is developing your craft an art? The line seems blurred but I don't think a clear definition is always needed when it comes to creativity. But we do need structure and rules to work within and to break. Making a mess is not art, really. True art is challenging; to its audience, to its creator, it challenges itself and the world. I love making a mess when I am creating but I love cleaning up when I am done.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Jewellery Line



Woke up thinking about painting today. Then it was the very first thing I did; sometimes living simply can seem to give the most pleasure on a sunny day, or a rainy one. I then went on to spend the rest of the day painting the walls of a new creative space and, on the bus home, trying to look all serious as bus goers do, noticed I had white paint all through my hair. And if you think that might have annoyed me, you are very much mistaken.

"Living a creative life means losing the fear of being wrong."

-losing the fear of looking like a dusche with paint all over them in a serious situation

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

TIny and Cute

For Sale on Felt.co.nz

Made with love. Hand-felted Hair with tiny flower to the right side
I really despise cute, crafty things. Hmm......

Friday, August 12, 2011

Producing Craft

Spent the day at the Titirangi Mother's craft market today. It's odd to reflect on some much craft in one room. Why are we inclined to make these things. I never question or doubt the impulse and desire to create: it just feels so RIGHT and so real to me. But then I catch myself wondering whether the other things I get up to in life are as worthy of my time. Reading for example always seems to take the back foot and is something I do 'when I have the time to' whereas creating and pursuing creative ideas is a process so fundamentally part of me, I don't question it, and nor would I ever WANT to. However, it's all got me wondering why this desire is so intense and empowering; when I make stuff I am energized and excited about life, but am I really making a difference, or just a stock-pile of material goods?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Real life virtual shop

Here is the url for my band new felt shop. Very, very exciting for times for this little worm ... http://felt.co.nz/shop/littleworm

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

To be a Jeweller

Sometimes I think I want to be a jeweller, I want to be defined as one and do it all the time. I currently have a piece entered in the Royal New Zealand Jewellery Showcase; finalists announced tomorrow morning but who knows what might happen. This week I am getting back into some sterling silver castings so WATCH THIS SPACE as there will soon be some really lovely silver rings and necklaces up on this very BLOG.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Would love the likes


Hey Bloggers, I would love you to check out LiTtle WoRm on facebook

Crafternoon Tea

Here are the goodies I had at Crafternoon Tea. I have been super busy being super busy these last two-ish weeks so haven't had the time to get up to much making but I am very keen to try out a couple of new ideas so watch this space!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

At Crafternoon tea market all day Saturday, slow slow. No-one seems too keen on cute crafts through these tough winter months. Maybe it's survival instinct kicking in

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Getting really into my crochet mouse making this week! Gonna be at Crafternoontea this Saturday, would be swell to see ya'll there. Hoping to die some wool soon too. Hopefully have some cool new pics for your viewing pleasure soon